Unparalleled Suffering

is A Documenter who shares about the plight of animals suffering at the hands of the cruelest species on earth.

if there's one thing that unites humanity, it's our collective non-questioning of the necessity of using nonhuman animals.

— Emily Moran Barwick

Like all animals, we wish for autonomy. We wish to be with our own and to explore our world. We flee from harm and we seek shelter. We desire to build our lives and make our own way. We hate forced confinement and we succumb to despair if we have no prospect of freedom.

— Jo-Anne McArthur

Animals' experience of life may remain ultimately unknowable to us, but can we seriously question that in their way they value it? The creatures cling to existence, after all.

— Craig Brestrup

Despite what the industry would have consumers believe, the fundamental nature of animal agriculture doesn’t magically change with a smaller venture, organic certification, or deceptive “humane” label. There are countless inherent cruelties that are ubiquitous in the production of meat, milk, and eggs—no matter the label or size of the farm…Abuse is the nature of commodification and exploitation of sensitive, sentient animals. 

— Hope Bohanec

The reality is that the human exploitation of animals is freely chosen, not a necessity imposed by our inherent nature. We do not exploit animals because we are superior to them, we claim superiority in order to excuse the exploitation.

Animals come to be seen as voids, beings whose inherently empty lives are redeemed only through the imposition of human purposes...

 — Brian Luke